I recall the time that Lee Troop broke Ron Clarkes long-standing Australian 5000 metre record where he lowered it from 13.16 to 13.14.82 at the Melbourne Grand Prix Track event. I knew Lee was going to run well as he ran a personal best for 3000 metres the week before in Sydney of 7.41.78. I was frantically searching the night of the race for the result with no avail and I got up early the next morning changing channels on the radio and television hoping to hear some news of the meet and to hopefully find out how Lee had gone. Unsuccessful and frustrated I went out for my morning run.
Later the same morning whilst driving my daughter to school I stopped at the newsagency and purchased a paper. As I got back into the car and glanced through the sports section of the newspaper my daughter asked what I was looking for. I explained that Lee Troop ran a 5000 metre race in Melbourne the night before and I was trying to find out how he went. Jessica then came out with, 'Oh yeah that's right, forgot to tell you Dad. Lee phoned last night to say that he had broken the Australian Record and ran 13.14'. Kids, don't you just love them.
Lee Troop interview available here.
posted by Pat at 11:53 AM