Pat Carroll - Online Running Coach
Pat Carroll - Online Running Coach
Pat Carroll - Online Running Coach


Post London Marathon interview with Lee Troop

Pace Setters required for Gold Coast Airport Marathon
& Asics Half Marathon


Last Sunday when I was at South Bank for the Brisbane Half Marathon, I was involved in a discussion about what a great facility South Bank was and how fortunate we are to have it. I reflected back to two events that had an impact on my running on the very same South Brisbane site well before South Bank was even established.

The first one was when I was twenty years of age and out on one of my 30 km training runs wearing a pair of Dunlop Volleys. Back then; my running had little direction as I was using it as a fitness tool for my main sport of Karate. One Sunday morning when I approached the South Brisbane site I noticed a large number of people gathered.

Please click here for complete 9 WEEKS TO GOLD COAST article
posted by Pat at 2:39 PM

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My Involvement in running...

I have been involved in distance running for over twenty years. Starting as a novice and progressing through to International standard. My aim is to help individuals achieve their goals, which I find extremely rewarding and allows me to somewhat share in a very special experience.

Do not limit yourself...

I have no desire to limit myself to a particular standard of runner for I appreciate and respect individuals of all levels. I have been to the school of hard knocks and learnt by my own mistakes and those of others. You will find me approachable in nature and dedicated to the cause.

My philosophy...

My training philosophy is based around the importance of consistency in your training and doing our best to avoid injury and illness along the way.  We are all at a different standard with our fitness and development. Via the natural feel that I have from being involved in the sport for over two decades I believe that I have the ability to steer you from where you presently are to where your goals beckon.

Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll - Online Running Coach
