Reserve pace runners required for Gold Coast Airport Marathon and Asics Half Marathon
Pre Gold Coast motivational talk.
It's almost here. The Gold Coast Airport Marathon, Asics Half Marathon and the associated events is just a few days away.
I ran my first Marathon on the Gold Coast back in 1982 with the goal of breaking the 3hr barrier. I finished teary eyed in 2hrs 48 min. The tears not being a result of fatigue, but more from being overjoyed by the fact that I had finally run a Marathon. Ecstatic because I had managed to conquer 'the wall', something I had heard so much about, that unknown fear.
As I crossed the line with my John Macenro style toweling head band I had no idea as to what the future had install for me.
Please click here for complete 1 week to Gold Coast article.
posted by Pat at 11:25 AM