running group
About PCRG
PCRG (Pat Carroll Running Group) is based in Brisbane and was formed by Pat Carroll. PCRG sessions initially (2003) attracted no more than 10 people. PCRG has now blossomed into one of Australia’s largest community running groups. The record attendance to date at a PCRG session is 160 people!
PCRG takes place Tuesday, Thursday and Friday departing from the South Bank end of the Goodwill Foot Bridge (The Ship Inn) @ 5.30am. Total distance covered is 10km.
There’s no need to notify when you’ll be making your first visit, just turn up and try it out! Don’t forget to introduce yourself to me (Pat Carroll) on arrival.
If need be you’re welcome to leave your bag in the PCRGMOBILE – it will be parked just next to where PCRG meets.
What You Get
Each PCRG session involves:
• Easy jog/warm up for 15-20 min, finishing at session venue.
• Light stretching followed by 80 metre sprints with a walk back recovery.
• The PCRG session “core” .
• Easy jog/cool down for 15-20 min, finishing at The Ship Inn (Refreshments provided) no later than 6.40am.
PCRG session “core” : This involves venturing out of your comfort zone at a manageable level. Venues used:
- Botanical Gardens
- New Farm Riverwalk
- Roma St Parklands
- Suncorp Stadium
- Riverside Drive West End
- Kurilpa Bridge
- Kangaroo Point
- Queensland University
- Raymond Park
Shower facilities are available at the South Bank swimming pool. Little Stanley St would be a preferable place to park if you’ll be requiring a shower.
NB: It’s a cold shower (no hot water).
Feel free to call Pat on 0403 176672 if you require any additional information.
Fees and Payment
$15 One session
Discount for paying in advance:
- $65 for 5 sessions ($13/session) valid for 6 months from date of purchase.
- $125 for 11 sessions ($11.36/session) valid for 6 months from date of purchase.
- $175 for 16 sessions ($10.93/session) valid for 6 months from date of purchase.
- $490 for 49 sessions ($10/session) valid for 2 years from date of purchase.
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Pat Carroll
BSB: 034037
Account number: 193331
Reference: Surname
In Person
Payment can also be made at PCRG
Safety Rules
- Run to very side of path.
- Run no more than 2 abreast unless overtaking.
- Check front and back for cyclist/runners and pedestrians before overtaking.
- Check front and back for cyclist/runners and pedestrians before crossing to other side of path or changing directions.
- Move to very side of path when a standing recovery is taking place.
- Before and after a Roma St Parklands session: PCRG members are encouraged to use the Kurilpa Bridge pedestrian crossing when crossing George St.
PCRG members are encouraged to call out the following:
- “Bike Up”: If a cyclist is approaching from front.
- “Bike Back”: If a cyclist is approaching from rear.
- “Walker Up/Runner Up” and raise arm: If a pedestrian/runner is approaching.

PCRG Gift Voucher
Gift vouchers are valid for 12 months and can be used whenever the recipient feels the time is right.
Please advise name of gift recipient when payment is made.
Following receipt of your c/c payment I’ll email a gift voucher to you.
A gift voucher will be emailed upon receipt of payment.
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Pat Carroll
BSB: 034037
Account number: 193331
Reference: Surname
In Person
Payment can also be made at PCRG
Departing from the South Bank (Brisbane) end of the Goodwill Foot Bridge (The Ship Inn) @ 5.30am – Tuesday/Thursday and Friday.

Parking spaces beside The Ship Inn (Sidon St) usually fill up at around 5.20am. There’s ample parking in Dock St/Grey St and also in Little Stanley St.
Park for $2: South Bank underground parking (access via Little Stanley St) between 5am and 9am Monday – Sunday