Pat Carroll OAM is a former elite runner now helping runners of all levels Achieve

25 years experience helping 4000+ runners ACHIEVE

Endorsed by Gold Coast Marathon & proud Ambassador

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Gold Coast Marathon Special Offer: Sign up NOW and receive a $70 discount off my usual fee for remaining period between now and Gold Coast 2025. Reduced fee being: $200


Online Coaching

How does Pat Carroll Online Coaching differ to a generic program/ONE SIZE FITS ALL?: Knowing that you’ll be accountable to me will provide you with extra incentive to stay true to your goal. Additionally, generic programs fail to individually suit an individuals “current” level of development and life style. It’s important to train “smart” and gradually build on where you’re “currently” placed as well as factor in time availabillity whilst targeting short term and long term goals.

Running Group

You can run with Pat Carroll. PCRG (Pat Carroll Running Group) departs from The Ship Inn South Bank (Brisbane) Tuesday/Thursday & Friday @ 5.30am. PCRG is a fun environment catering for runners of all abilities. Prizes and refreshments are on offer at the conclusion of every session.

Race Announcer

if you’re in need of a race announcer or function MC. FOC fee will be considered for events/functions (MC) directing 100% of funds raised to Charity.


Pat’s coaching is tailored precisely to my running goals and ambitions. The programs are very affordable, easy to follow and accommodating. Pat provides fast feedback on weekly running times and sets goals that enables a gradual continuous improvement over time. Through Pat’s wealth of experience you will receive regular tips and guidance that is unquantifiable. 

When I came on board, I had just bonked a full marathon and finished in 3:48. Pat’s guidance (over an 18-month period) made all my dreams come true with a Sub-3 in the 2023 Berlin Marathon and I have aspirations to go much faster over time. 

I would highly recommend Pat Carroll online coaching for any level of runner that is looking for support in improving as a runner.

Nathan Van Jole 
2023 Berlin Marathon

Honestly can’t thank you enough Pat. As someone who likes to train alone, the virtual coaching is perfect for me!

Also, it made a massive difference post-race as well. Aside from some chafing and a black toenail, I wasn’t even sore the next day.

Roger Oldridge
2023 Gold Coast Marathon

Thanks Pat for your support and program, I can’t imagine getting that result without it.

Kristen Turnbull
2023 Boston Marathon

Individualized Coaching for Runners

Endorsed by Gold Coast Marathon


I’m passionate about keeping a healthy lifestyle and I look forward to the possibility of working with you and helping you achieve your goals. 

PCRG – Tuesday/Thursday & Friday departing from  the South Bank end of the Goodwill Foot Bridge (The Ship Inn) @  5.30am. Distance covered is either side of 10k.